The BioVeritas Process™ represents a step-change for the production of SAF. The process unlocks more feedstocks and uses less energy to deliver superior carbon intensity.
The core of The BioVeritas Process™ is Directed Mixed-Culture Fermentation, followed by Low-Energy Acid Recovery (LEAR) to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The VFAs are converted using commercially-established steps to low-carbon intensity SAF.
Directed Mixed-Culture Fermentation uses a naturally occurring, self-regulating ecosystem of microorganisms to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Through our proprietary process we direct the microbial physiology and ecology of create a mixture of VFAs in a controlled and tunable ratio.
Next, LEAR, our proprietary recovery and water-recycling process uses less energy than distillation and evaporation, two steps that typically drive high energy demand in other processes, to recover the VFAs from fermentation. LEAR selectively recovers the higher carbon number acids (C5-C8) and recycles the shorter-chain acids to fermentation for elongation.
Volatile fatty acids are versatile fermentation products. They can be easily converted into a wide range of chemical and fuel derivatives opening up a wide market potential. Once these versatile volatile fatty acids are recovered, they are converted to paraffins and iso-paraffins for SAF through the VFA-SPK conversion process. In this process, the higher carbon number VFAs undergo condensation, followed by hydrodeoxygenation and isomerization. The latter two steps are those used in the commercially-established HEFA/HVO process. Ultimately, this yields SAF-range hydrocarbons with superior carbon intensity.
In the longer-term, we can address a wide range of markets such as specialty and industrial chemicals, lubricants, supplements, and food and feed ingredients. This can be accomplished through LEAR or an established alternative recovery process to capture the full range of VFAs (C2-C8). These can be converted into various derivatives including esters, triglycerides, alcohols, alpha olefins, amines, amides, and more.
BioVeritas is poised for commercialization and has been operating a Market Demonstration Unit in Bryan, Texas, for 47k+ hours of fermentation and 25k+ hours of acid recovery run time; its 20K gallon demo scale fermentor has been operating for >1500 hours.